UPDATE! Not one to be defeated, LEJOG part 2 will begin on Sunday, 26th March 2023!! I will follow the original route but extend the journey by one day to allow for shorter days towards the end.
I really need your support; I have not been able to secure any financial backing for this, so I am raising my savings to complete the challenge. Once again, I need a little help with hiring a support vehicle – somewhere I can take a break during the day and sleep overnight, as well as covering some of the other expenses (campsite fees, fuel etc.)
When I can return to the challenge, I hope to continue raising funds for the British Acoustic Neuroma Association and Manchester Skull Base Foundation (FBT). Both of these organisations have been a great source of support, and this is my way of giving back to them somehow.
To find out more about Sara’s challenge, please check out her website; www.saracrosland.com/lejog